How can you deal with grief of losing a family member and guilt of not being able to extend support and treatment despite efforts?

23 Jun, 2021 | 07:24
  • If feeling guilty, tutor your mind to process that the situation was beyond your control. Accept the fact that the pandemic hit the world and you did the best you could for your loved one.
  • One of the ways to live with a loss is by remembering positive aspects of the departed person. Think of the happy memories and talk to your friends about good time shared with the person.
  • If you have kids, tell them that the departed person is living through you and them. In a sensitive way, explain to kids how genetically you are connected, and therefore, will never be disconnected with the departed person.
  • Rituals help in some amount of healing process. If you are a relative of the departed person, try not to be inquisitive about cause and nature of death. Rather, focus on sending positive vibes and help during the quarantine period.
  • If the person who has lost a close family member, shows signs of weight loss, prolonged irritability, sadness, signs of clinical depression, one should not hesitate to approach a psychiatrist for timely recognition, rectification and treatment.
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