I am 24 years old, doing my masters. It has been more than a year since our college has been shut. I live with my father and mother and I am not friendly enough with them to share my thoughts. This magnifies my loneliness with no one to talk to. Nowadays I overthink about my career and other bad things. I can’t visit my friends or relatives because of the lockdown. I can’t sleep at night and wake up late. I feel depressed and aimless. Please help ~ Anonymous

02 Jun, 2021 | 14:17

Times are definitely tough and uncertain. A lot of students have been feeling a sense of being helpless and lost about their future and career, given the current situation. Talking to friends and staying virtually connected cannot just fill the void but also help you realise that many others are sailing in the same boat. A good way to tackle the job situation can be to keep looking for opportunities as and when. When you feel tired or less motivated, give the job hunt a break, utilise your time with learning, relaxing and recreating, taking care of your mental health and physical health and spending time doing things that make you happy and help you grow. The pandemic is not meant to be productive and being productive all the time isn’t a necessity. Take breaks, rest, stay put and remember you are not alone. This time shall pass too. Should the low moods persist, don’t hesitate to take professional help.

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